Peakman Managment Group Canada – Corporate Integrated Facility Solutions.
Facilities are more than just their physical location. They are hives of activity that need careful oversight and management concerning all their moving parts. Everything from cleaning services, IT management to facility moves have to be coordinated to make sure there are is minimal facility down time.
PMGC Integrated Facilities Solutions Management is a method of consolidating many or all of your facilities services under one contract and management team. The intent is to streamline communication and make day-to-day operations easier to manage. Thus ensuring you are increasing workplace productivity and workplace wellness amongst your team.
Integrating your facilities services can increase your facilities efficiency. Packaging your services together allows you to cut costs overall and juggle fewer contractor relationships. Having this bird's-eye view of your services comes in handy when making big decisions. Having this type of freedom means large strategic decisions can be implemented quickly without the need to work through several organizations to coordinate facility services.