For about a decade, Peakman Management has been dedicated to serving the requirements of our industrial clients. We have been focused on helping our clients succeed and grow in an ever-changing market. We comply with applicable environmental laws and regulations and operate our business unit with all necessary environmental permits, approvals and operational controls. We...
Office cleaning is one of the most difficult and hectic tasks for anyone. If you are a facility manager, you are constantly on the lookout for the different ways to reduce your maintenance costs. When you have in-house cleaning and maintenance, it is like running a business within a business. Ask yourself if you want...
It’s the start of another day at work, and you have settled down at your desk. You type on your keyboard and answer phone calls. You head to the pantry and reheat your lunch. You use the restroom. You come back and drop a pen on the floor. You pick it up, go back to...
Being an owner of the commercial building is undoubtedly difficult. With all the challenges such as attracting and retaining tenants, facility supplies, property taxes, property insurance, etc. can make your head feel like it’s in a vice grip. Besides, rising energy costs also contribute to the challenges in managing the facility supplies budget in the...
A workplace environment influences not only the employee’s performance and productivity but also their well-being. No matter what type of company or business you run, maintaining a clean workplace provides your staff members with some benefits in terms of safety, health and efficiency. We, at Peakman Management, understand that busy schedules and increased workloads may...
There are some who strongly follow the ideology of ‘cleanliness is next to godliness,’ while there are others who don’t find it important. This phrase applies not only to our surroundings but also to our workplaces. Although a clean environment is essential for any residence, cleanliness at business carries more significance for your business’s bottom...
Who doesn’t want ease with facility management, when it comes to buildings and workplaces? Many companies are trying to optimize the use of space, manage facilities more effectively, and realize new cost-efficiency. An increasing number of facility managers are looking to ease the facility supplies management related tasks in their quest to improve the quality...